Thursday , 6 February 2025
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Beginning Android 2

The Android development platform, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, is a platform in its truest sense, encompassing hundreds of classes beyond the traditional Java classes and open source components that ship with the SDK. With Beginning Android 2, you’ll learn how to develop applications for Android 2.x mobile devices, using simple examples that are ready to run with your copy of the SDK. Author, Android columnist, writer, developer, and community advocate Mark L. Murphy will show you what you need to know to get started programming Android applications, including how to craft GUIs, use GPS, and access web services. What you’ll learn Discover Android and how to use it to build Java-based mobile applications for a wide range of phones and other devices.Create user interfaces using both the Android widget framework and the built-in WebKit-powered Web browser components. Utilize the distinctive capabilities of the Android engine, including …

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Mobile Web Browser Will Travel

There’s no question that today’s smart phones are godsend to high tech travellers, but what good is a web enabled phone if its browser is cumbersome of slow, with the right handset and browser software, you can surf all manner of desktop level site, without having to carry a laptop with you or find a nearby desktop PC. Great out of the gate, Skyfire with its first full release candidate (Skyfire 1.0) which displays flash, Silverlight and AJAX content that the Iphone trips over and leaves blank, this browser starts up quickly and the main screen leaves plenty of room for the pages display plenty of room for the page display and windows mobile fans struggling with IE mobile should head straight for Skyfire Labs, It also work on Symbian powered Nokia E-series and N series smart phones. BlackBerry can run java apps out of the box, while newer models …

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Manage iPod From A Linux Desktop With Amarok

This article shows how you can use an iPod on a Linux desktop with Amarok. It covers how you can upload MP3 files from your desktop to your iPod, download MP3 files from your iPod to your desktop, and how you can delete files on the iPod. Normally, Apple’s iTunes software is needed to manage an iPod, but iTunes is not available for Linux. Fortunately, there are Linux alternatives such as Amarok that can handle the task. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! Preliminary Note I have tested this with an iPod nano on a PCLinuxOS 2007 desktop where Amarok is installed by default. If Amarok isn’t installed on your desktop, install it using your distribution’s package manager. The usage of Amarok is the same, regardless of the distribution. Plug In Your iPod First plug in your iPod into your desktop system using the …

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Next Palm OS

Palm won’t be able to put out its Linux-based version of the Palm OS until next year, the company said last week. This is a slip from earlier expectations that it would be out later this year, according to Brighthand. Palm announced in April that it was developing its own Linux-based version of the Palm OS despite a similar project from Access, the company formerly known as Palmsource. Palm OS, which is actually now known as Garnet OS, has been looking older and older next to newer mobile operating systems such as Windows Mobile, as well as that iPhone thing you might have heard about. Palm wants to migrate Garnet OS to a Linux core while maintaining support for older Palm OS applications, but the project will apparently take longer than expected. That means that Palm will continue to compete against the iPhone and other challengers with Garnet OS, which …

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Sony Ericsson Announces 3 Bluetooth Watches

Sony Ericsson has announced three new Bluetooth watches from the Bluetooth MBW-150 range that offers the convenience of controlling the phone. Created together with Fossil, this new range of watches aims at bringing together contemporary design and cutting edge Bluetooth technology. “From the moment you use a Bluetooth watch you wonder how you ever managed without it,” says José Barreiro-López Head of Sales & Marketing Support of Sony Ericsson. The three watches include — the Music Edition that’s finished in black with orange details; the Executive Edition that features a professional-looking stainless steel bracelet and the Classic Edition that sports a premium leather strap and black dial. “Using your watch as a wire-free interface with your phone is about as convenient and non-obtrusive as you can get. Now whether you’re out socializing, working, or just at home with your family, there’s a Bluetooth watch to go with you.”

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Microsoft’s Deepfish Browser for Windows Mobile 5+

Microsoft Corp. has developed a next-generation mobile browser, Deepfish, whose aim is to render web pages with similar quality to a desktop system. The company has made the announcement at the ETech conference in San Diego, Calif., this Wednesday. Deepfish is a new approach to mobile browsing: instead of trying to fit the page to the mobile screen, losing some of the original layout and quality, it tries to maintain the full-form page and its interface enables you to zoom in and out. The page’s layout is preserved, so navigation menus, lists of search results of news headlines and other element can be browsed simply, the team said. In other browsers, such material might have been “bent so thoroughly to fit the usual single column layout that they were no longer legible,” the Live Labs team wrote. “Think about your mobile browsing experience today,” Gary William Flake, director of Microsoft …

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Balik Kesuksesan MP3

MUNCULNYA perangkat lunak MP3 telah mendorong dunia musik untuk tampil di barisan terdepan. Format data ini memungkinkan transfer file musik lewat internet sehingga dapat dengan mudah diunduh (di-download) oleh masyarakat, langsung dari PC mereka. MP3 adalah kependekan dari MPEG Audio Layer III dan merupakan standar untuk kompresi audio yang dapat memperkecil file musik tanpa mengurangi (atau hanya sedikit mengurangi) kualitas suara yang dihasilkan. MP3 merupakan bagian dari keluarga MPEG, singkatan dari Motion Pictures Expert Group, suatu standar untuk format video dan audio yang menggunakan sistem kompresi. Di Indonesia, format MP3 mulai populer seiring dengan menjamurnya lapak-lapak maupun distributor penjualan software. Tempat-tempat semacam ini biasanya memperjual-belikan CD (compact disc) berisi lagu-lagu dalam format MP3. Setiap keping CD dengan kapasitas 700 MB sanggup menyimpan kurang lebih 200 lagu. Inilah keistimewaan format musik MP3 yang membedakannya dengan format musik lain. Ukuran file-nya yang relatif kecil sangat memudahkan dalam penyimpanan maupun pemindahan (transfer). [ad#adgridwork]

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