Saturday , 20 April 2024
Home 4 Internet (page 8)


Google Tawarkan MyMaps

Raksasa mesin pencari Google Inc. semakin beringas. Tak mau terkalahkan, ia membuat gebrakan baru. MyMaps adalah gebrakan baru tersebut. Fitur baru Google ini diklaim memungkinkan pengguna Internet untuk membuat peta kreasinya sendiri. Dua tahun silam Google memang sudah melempar Google Maps, namun demi menjangkau konsumen serta pendapatan yang lebih luas, terciptalah fitur baru ini. ujicoba …

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Who Can Defeat Yahoo Now?

Yahoo plans to remove any limitation concerning storage space for e-mails, allowing users to keep all of their messages forever. Back in 2006, some confidential information leaked from Mountain View, about a possible online storage service, dubbed GDrive, that was supposed to be the solution to users’ ever-increasing need for storage space. That was the signal that eventually led to an explosion of similar online services which, for a modicum sum, can fairly replace your PC’s hard drive. Faced with the threat of concurrence, Web giants like Yahoo, Microsoft and Google have speculated the momentum and progressively increased the storage space for their e-mail services. From the 4MB Yahoo was offering back in 1997, to the 1GB Google was offering in 2004 for its Gmail service things have rapidly evolved and eventually the “simple” e-mail turned into a fierce battle for customers who click on the commercials displayed inside their …

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Look For Security When Selecting Free Web Mail Providers

Internet users should look for sufficient security protection when selecting free web mail providers. Not all free services provide virus protection, says Stuttgart-based magazine Connect. They instead require users to pay for comprehensive protection for their electronic mailbox. Free mail services are also poorly suited for mobile users, the magazine writes. Users must pay around 5 euros (6.7 dollars) to perform address synchronization for their cell phone or PDA while on the go, or to be informed of new messages by SMS. Those looking to store large files should also be aware that the storage space is also not unlimited.

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British Hacker Faces US extradition

Gary McKinnon, the Brit who carried out the ‘biggest military computer hack of all time’, has lost the High Court battle against his extradition in the United States where he is accused for gaining access to 97 US military and NASA computers in 2001 and 2002. Lord Justice Maurice Kay and Mr Justice Goldring dismissed McKinnon’s legal challenge on Tuesday, adding that they can’t find any legal grounds for the appeal. McKinnon’s lawyers claimed on Tuesday that their client has been subjected to ‘improper threats’ and the Home Secretary John Reid’s decision to extradite him would break his human rights. Lawyer Ben Cooper announced that they plan to address to the House of Courts, the highest court in the land. Cooper claims his client was threatened by the US authorities and he mentioned a New Jersey prosecutor who said that McKinnon ‘would fry’. Moreover, Cooper suggested that McKinnon has a …

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Senjata Pamungkas Melawan Virus

Kalau Pasopati digunakan oleh Arjuna sebagai senjata pamungkas untuk mengakhiri perlawanan Karna. Kira-kira apa Pasopati pengguna komputer melawan virus ? Mungkin ada yang menjawab Format. Itu sih bukan senjata pamungkas, tetapi Tsunami. Dan celakanya sekalipun komputer anda sudah anda format, tetapi sumber virusnya belum anda basmi (baik dari jaringan maupun dari Flash Disk) maka senjata Format tadi ternyata tidak sesakti yang terdengar karena virus akan kembali lagi. Cara terbaik adalah mengidentifikasi virus apa yang menyerang komputer anda, basmi sumbernya dan cegah agar komputer anda tidak terinfeksi ulang lagi dengan menginstal program antivirus seperti Norman Virus Control yang dapat mengenali virus lokal dengan baik.

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Domain TLD-id *.id Gratis

Mungkin banyak yang belum tahu kalo domain .id diberikan secara gratis oleh pengelolanya yaitu DepKomInfo. Sebetulnya semua domain berakhiran .id gratis tetapi untuk contoh di sini akan dipakai karena syaratnya adalah yang paling mudah yaitu hanya file gambar KTP hasil scanning (.jpg). Sedangkan untuk domain lain misal, membutuhkan syarat tambahan. Yang kita butuhkan adalah komputer dengan koneksi internet, file gambar KTP, kemampuan mengetik dengan keyboard dan menggunakan mouse, tidak buta huruf.

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