Your small office probably relies on more than one computer to get work done, for managing tasks across all of your company’s PCs, consider using a small business server, the main benefit of this central hub will be shared storage space and increased backup options, as your company’s need grow, however, you can use the server to design and test a web site, host intranet service and host your own internet presence. Choosing a sever The cheapest server have very low hardware requirement, a PC with a Pentium Pro CPU can handle an Ubuntu Linux based server. Windows Small Business Server 2008 is a step up from that, you might be able to run it on a recent, unused PC, or you could buy a new server with it preinstalled, Small Business Server 2008 is ideal for a staff of 24 or fewer people, with 25 or more employees, you’ll …
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Server tips you should not miss
Investing in a server-based network can offer numerous advantages, better data protection, enhanced productivity, and money saved through efficient resource sharing, but purchasing a first server can be a headache. To help make the process easier, here some tips that will help you select and configure your server for optimal performance, security and efficiency. Choosing a server Two of the most important factors to consider when choosing a server are reliability and security. Because servers are often left on 24×7, they are more vulnerable to attacks; many people are dependent on them, so you can’t risk downtime. Another major consideration is the amount of power and capacity you need. Start by evaluating your expected business growth on the basis that a server has an active lifespan of five years. So if you anticipate an increase in the number of employees who will be using your business applications simultaneously, you should …
Read More »The Reasons Move to Server Virtualization
Hyper-V is a next-generation, 64-bit virtualization technology that facilitates agility and integrated management of both physical and virtual components. It provides a platform to reduce costs, increase hardware utilization, optimize network and business infrastructure, and improve server availability. While there are many compelling reasons to move to Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Hyper-V technology Reduce Infrastructure Costs Through Consolidation Consolidating multiple workloads onto a single hardware platform enables you to reduce physical server sprawl and to support your business with less hardware, resulting in lower equipment costs, lesser electrical consumption for server power and cooling, and reduced physical space requirements. Furthermore, flexible licensing policies for virtualization allow organizations to deploy a consolidation solution that best meets their needs. Consolidating servers through Hyper-V also enables those servers to take advantage of robust networking support, including VLAN, Network Address Translation (NAT), and Network Access Protection (NAP) policies (quarantine). Virtualize the Most Demanding Workloads …
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