Six years ago, a flurry of high-profile news articles and research papers reported on the emergence of DDoS attacks. Research released by Arbor Networks at the end of September revealed that DDoS attacks are the most significant security threat facing ISPs today. Arbor’s Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report, a survey conducted in cooperation with the security operations community of the major ISPs, revealed that 46% of surveyed operators now dedicate more resources to addressing DDoS issues than any other security threat. Respondents also reported a continued growth in the frequency and magnitude of DDoS attacks. ISPs now regularly experience attacks beyond the capacity of core backbone circuits in the 10–20Gbps range. This trend has been driven globally by a proliferation of broadband Internet connectivity and network convergence. The rise in DDoS attacks reflects a change in the motivation of cyber criminals – Internet-based threats have taken on a more malevolent and …
Read More »Microsoft Forefront Client Security Overview
Microsoft Forefront Client Security provides unified malware protection for business desktops, laptops and server operating systems that is easy to manage and control. Built on the same highly successful Microsoft protection technology already used by millions of people worldwide, Forefront Client Security helps guard against emerging threats such as spyware and rootkits, as well as traditional threats such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. By delivering simplified administration through central management and providing critical visibility into threats and vulnerabilities, Forefront Client Security helps you protect your business with confidence and efficiency. Forefront Client Security integrates with your existing infrastructure software, such as Active Directory , and complements other Microsoft security technologies for enhanced protection and greater control. Forefront Client Security is currently in public beta and can be downloaded from the Microsoft Forefront Client Security Web site. There are two parts to the Microsoft Forefront Client Security solution. The first …
Read More »Garis besar model usaha di Internet
Untuk melihat berbagai kesempatan usaha yang ada di Internet ada baiknya kita melihat sebuah model sederhana dari bisnis / aplikasi Internet & telekomunikasi. Bagi pembaca yang masih pemula salah satu situs yang menerangkan secara sederhana tentang Internet adalah Prinsip dasar dari usaha Internet yang sering disebut sebagai dotcom company sebetulnya tidak rumit bahkan sederhana sekali; yaitu bagaimana caranya supaya kita (dotcom) dapat memberikan manfaat sebanyak / sebesar mungkin kepada masyarakat. Semakin banyak masyarakat yang merasakan manfaatnya maka akan kemungkinan untuk survive akan semakin tinggi. Dalam bahasa politiknya berusaha untuk memperoleh massa real sebanyak-banyak-nya untuk survive; massa mengambang tidak bisa menjamin kelanggengan kita dalam usaha di Internet. Massa orang Indonesia di Internet pada hari ini masih 1.5 juta orang oleh karena itu perlu usaha kerja keras sebuah dotcom untuk survive. Bayangkan jika kita bisa menyambungkan konsentrasi massa yang ada di Indonesia terutama di dunia pendidikan karena Internet sangat erat hubungannya …
Read More »Penggunaan Cookie terhadap Privacy User
Inti utama dalam permasalahan keamanan privacy di Internet adalah adanya kegiatan-kegiatan gelap dalam suatu Web Site yang pada umumnya tidak diketahui oleh user dalam mengumpuli informasi secara personal untuk melakukan pencurian dengan menggunakan teknologi yang disebut dengan “Cookie ”. Ini merupakan suatu tindakan yang tidak merusak secara teknologi dimana memungkinkan sebuah web site dapat mengumpulkan informasi mengenai user dan semua kelakuan browsing-nya pada internet. Karena adanya Cookie maka user seharusnya dapat menghilangkan atau menolak semua Cookie yang akan ditempatkan pada browser, ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengetahui bagaimana kerja dari Cookie dan bagaimana kita dapat menjaga kinerja browser kita tanpa Cookie tersebut. Cookie diciptakan oleh Netscape pada tahun 1994 yang diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu desain mengenai solusi teknis untuk membuat user lebih tahu mengenai Web dengan baik. Cookie adalah sebuah text file dengan ukuran maksimum 4k yang diletakkan pada server dalam sebuah hard disk user. Cookie diletakkan pada informasi HTML yang …
Read More »Report Says Windows Gets The Fastest Repairs
Microsoft is frequently dinged for having insecure products, with security holes and vulnerabilities. But Symantec (Quote), no friend of Microsoft, said in its latest research report that when it comes to widely-used operating systems, Microsoft is doing better overall than its leading commercial competitors. The information was a part of Symantec’s 11th Internet Security Threat Report. The report, released this week, covered a huge range of security and vulnerability issues over the last six months of 2006, including operating systems. The report found that Microsoft (Quote) Windows had the fewest number of patches and the shortest average patch development time of the five operating systems it monitored in the last six months of 2006.
Read More »Motivation of The Day
“Miskin dan kaya adalah nasib ” ini adalah mitos yang berlaku di dalam masyarakat, khususnya di negara berkembang. Tak terkecuali di negara kita, Indonesia . Kita sering mendengar, bahkan mungkin termasuk di antara kita pernah berucap; miskin sudah merupakan nasib kita. Bagaimanapun kita bekerja keras, nasib tidak mungkin berubah, karena ini sudah suratan takdir. Sebaliknya, kalau nasib kita sudah ditentukan dari “sononya” kaya, maka usaha apa pun, bahkan kerja “seenaknya”pun bisa menjadikan kita sukses dan kaya.
Read More »Customizing the Look of Outlook Web Access
One way to impress your users and management is to customize Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access by using your organization’s logo and colors. Customizing Outlook Web Access is a great way to help build an identity for your organization into a tool that many users rely on. In this article, we’ll show you how to customize the logon, language selection, and logoff pages, and how to create a theme by using a custom header. If you want to create an Outlook Web Access theme that has more complex changes for your organization, begin by studying how cascading style sheets (.css files) work. After you have developed a good understanding of .css files, change a few elements at a time and test your changes to make sure that the result is what you expect. Read more here
Read More »Look how easy setup is for Exchange Server 2007
Does this sound familiar? You decide to deploy Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and you’re ready to get started. You think “A deployment guide would be helpful,” so you visit the Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter. After searching for deployment content, you find a link to download a document called Deploying a Standard Exchange Server 2007 Organization. Sounds like just the thing to get you started! After downloading the document, you scroll through the table of contents. Sixteen pages later, ah, here it is: the opening paragraph. You glance toward the bottom of your screen and see that you are on page 17…of 552! What? It takes 552 pages to describe something that is called “standard”? Reading more here
Read More »What Administrators Will Want to Know about Exchange 2007 Features for Information Workers
Administrators aren’t the only ones who benefit from deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Some new and improved features also enhance the experience for your information workers. From the improvements to familiar features such as calendaring, resource management, Out of Office, Microsoft Outlook Web Access, and Microsoft Outlook Anywhere (formerly called RPC over HTTP), to the new messaging records management (MRM) functionality, your information workers will find it easier to increase their productivity. This article provides brief descriptions of these features and includes links to topics that provide more detail. more info reading here.
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