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Home 4 Book 4 Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income

Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income

It is hard to miss the word “blog” today, we hear blogs mentioned in the media, see them all over the world wide web and we even hear then discussed now in business and social situations, in many case the term “blogger” is used not just to describe a person who writes a blog, but also someone who earns money doing it. So what exactly is a blog? Because we are at the beginning of g a blogging book, this is definitely an issue we need to be clear on.

There are number of ways we can answer this question, ranging from the broad to the highly technical, to put it as clearly as possible, a blog is a particular type of website. Studies have shown that although awareness a blogs is increasing, there are still many people who frequent blog without realizing it, this is fine, the key things is the readers get value out of it, anyone who has been reading blog for a while, though, will know there is more to blogging then just publishing any old website.

Blogging has many benefits, although many blogger get pleasure just from the process of writing and of course we cannot ever look the blogger who make money, you could be looking at blog with other goal in mind:

  • Frame,  A successful blog has the potential to get you noticed and build you a more visible profile in your business market, pastime or community.
  • Contact, Blogs are an excellent way to get to know people and network, with blogs naturally leading to conversation, a well-read blog will put you in contact with a wide variety of people.
  • Traffic, Attracting highly targeted visitor alone could be a big draw, especially if you have products or services to sell, web site owner are always looking for new sources of traffic and blogs are proven way to generate more visits and increased loyalty
  • Sales, In additional go gaining more attention, over time through your articles you can generate trust and build credibility, critical to making sales.

Over the past few years blogging has changed a great deal and evolved in many ways, what was once an activity limited to a very small number of people has now exploded into a mini-industry, as the number of bloggers has exploded, so has the number of tools and services available for bloggers.

What once involved a good deal of perseverance and a lot of technical proficiency can now be quickly and easily performed by anyone with a few clicks and some typing, web publishing has arrived for the messes. With these developments and a growing awareness there have been individuals who have succeeded in profiting from their blog, in the beginning it was almost unheard of someone to earn money from their blog, in fact, for many it was seen as counter blogging culture, this soon changed as the first pioneers have shared their income achievements there has been an increase in focus upon making money from blogging to a point now where, although it might not be expected, it is certainly much more accepted.

You could make a lot of money from blogging, read the stories that are going around on blogs of people making decent full times incomes from blogging and you will get an idea of the sort of earning potential that exists. Take care also to read about and investigate that hard work and investment of time that it has taken them, remember that for every well-publicized success story you do read about.

There are plenty of others around who have struggle to make any more than a few dollars from their blogs then who earn those headline making five-figures a month totals.

By Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett
John Wiley and sons| English | 242 pages | PDF | 4690 KB | Download | Password : blogger

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