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97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

No matter how comfortable a schedule looks at the beginning of iteration, you can’t avoid being under pressure some of the time. If you find yourself having to choose between “doing it right” and “doing it quick,” it is often appealing to “do it quick” with the understanding that you’ll come back and fix it later. When you make this promise to yourself, your team, and your customer, you mean it. But all too often, the next iteration brings new problems and you become focused on them. This sort of deferred work is known as technical debt, and it is not your friend. Specifically, Martin Fowler calls this deliberate technical debt in his taxonomy of technical debt,* and it should not be confused with inadvertent technical debt.

Technical debt is like a loan: you benefit from it in the short term, but you have to pay interest on it until it is fully paid off. Shortcuts in the code make it harder to add features or refactor your code. They are breeding grounds for defects and brittle test cases. The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. By the time you get around to undertaking the original fix, there may be a whole stack of not-quite-right design choices layered on top of the original problem, making the code much harder to refactor and correct. In fact, it is often only when things have got so bad that you must fix the original problem, that you actually do go back to fix it. And by then, it is often so hard to fix that you really can’t afford the time or the risk.

There are times when you must incur technical debt to meet a deadline or implement a thin slice of a feature. Try not to be in this position, but if the situation absolutely demands it, then go ahead. But (and this is a big but) you must track technical debt and pay it back quickly, or things go rapidly downhill. As soon as you make the decision to compromise, write a task card or log it in your issue-tracking system to ensure that it does not get forgotten.

If you schedule repayment of the debt in the next iteration, the cost will be minimal. Leaving the debt unpaid will accrue interest, and that interest should be tracked to make the cost visible. This will emphasize the effect on business value of the project’s technical debt and enables appropriate prioritization of the repayment. The choice of how to calculate and track the interest will depend on the particular project, but track it you must.

Mastery of the functional programming paradigm can greatly improve the quality of the code you write in other contexts. If you deeply understand and apply the functional paradigm, your designs will exhibit a much higher degree of referential transparency.

Referential transparency is a very desirable property: it implies that functions consistently yield the same results given the same input, irrespective of where and when they are invoked. That is, function evaluation depends less ideally, not at all on the side effects of mutable state. A leading cause of defects in imperative code is attributable to mutable variables. Everyone reading this will have investigated why some value is not as expected in a particular situation. Visibility semantics can help to mitigate these insidious defects, or at least to drastically narrow down their location, but their true culprit may in fact be the providence of designs that employ inordinate mutability.

And we certainly don’t get much help from the industry in this regard. Introductions to object orientation tacitly promote such design, because they often show examples composed of graphs of relatively long-lived objects that happily call mutator methods on one another, which can be dangerous.

Modern applications are very rarely built from scratch. They are assembled using existing tools—components, libraries, and frameworks for a number of good reasons:

  • Applications grow in size, complexity, and sophistication, while the time available to develop them grows shorter. It makes better use of developer’s time and intelligence if they can concentrate on writing more business-domain code and less infrastructure code.
  • Widely used components and frameworks are likely to have fewer bugs than the ones developed in-house.
  • There is a lot of high-quality software available on the Web for free, which means lower development costs and greater likelihood of finding developers with the necessary interest and expertise
  • Software production and maintenance is human-intensive work, so buying may be cheaper than building.

However, choosing the right mix of tools for your application can be a tricky business requiring some thought. In fact, when making a choice, you should keep in mind a few things:

  • Different tools may rely on different assumptions about their context—e.g., surrounding infrastructure, control model, data model, communication protocols, etc.—which can lead to an architectural mismatch between the application and the tools. Such a mismatch leads to hacks and workarounds that will make the code more complex than necessary.
  • Different tools have different lifecycles, and upgrading one of them may become an extremely difficult and time-consuming task since the new functionality, design changes, or even bug fixes may cause incompatibilities with the other tools. The greater the number of tools, the worse the problem can become.
  • Some tools require quite a bit of configuration, often by means of one or more XML files, which can grow out of control very quickly. The application may end up looking as if it was all written in XML plus a few odd lines of code in some programming language. The configurationally complexity will make the application difficult to maintain and to extend.
  • Vendor lock-in occurs when code that depends heavily on specific vendor products ends up being constrained by them on several counts: maintainability, performances, ability to evolve, price.
  • If you plan to use free software, you may discover that it’s not so free after all. You may need to buy commercial support, which is not necessarily going to be cheap.
  • Licensing terms matter, even for free software. For example, in some companies, it is not acceptable to use software licensed under the GNU license terms because of its viral nature i.e., software developed with it must be distributed along with its source code.

As development gets distributed across the globe, you learn there are lots of people capable of doing your job. You need to keep learning to stay marketable. Otherwise you’ll become a dinosaur, stuck in the same job until, one day, you’ll no longer be needed or your job gets outsourced to some cheaper resource.

So what do you do about it? Some employers are generous enough to provide training to broaden your skill set. Others may not be able to spare the time or money for any training at all. To play it safe, you need to take responsibility for your own education.
Here’s a list of ways to keep you learning. Many of these can be found on the Internet for free:

  • Read books, magazines, blogs, Twitter feeds, and websites. If you want to go deeper into a subject, consider joining a mailing list or newsgroup.
  • If you really want to get immersed in a technology, get hands on write some code.
  • Always try to work with a mentor, as being the top guy can hinder your education. Although you can learn something from anybody, you can learn a whole lot more from someone smarter or more experienced than you. If you can’t find a mentor, consider moving on.
  • Use virtual mentors. Find authors and developers on the Web who you really like and read everything they write. Subscribe to their blogs.
  • Get to know the frameworks and libraries you use. Knowing how something works makes you know how to use it better. If they’re open source, you’re really in luck. Use the debugger to step through the code to see what’s going on under the hood. You’ll get to see code written and reviewed by some really smart people.
  • Whenever you make a mistake, fix a bug, or run into a problem, try to really understand what happened. It’s likely that someone else ran into the same problem and posted it on the Web. Google is really useful here.
  • A good way to learn something is to teach or speak about it. When people are going to listen to you and ask you questions, you’ll be highly motivated to learn. Try a lunch-’n’-learn at work, a user group, or a local conference.

It would be nice to have the capability that Neo had in The Matrix, and simply download the information we need into our brains. But we don’t, so it will take a time commitment. You don’t have to spend every waking hour learning. A little time say, each week is better than nothing. There is (or should be) a life outside of work.

Technology changes fast. Don’t get left behind.

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