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How to Migrate a Blog from WordPress to a Self-Hosted Blog

If you have been planning to migrate your blog from WordPress to Self-Hosted domain but found the whole process of importing blogger posts with comments into WordPress too technical and complicated, here’s a very good news for you. Backup the Current WordPress Database Back up your WordPress database. WordPress has provided wonderful tutorial on how …

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Windows Server 2008 screencast

Windows Server 2008 is going to ship its next public release candidate very soon. Inside that release will be a CTP of Windows Server virtualization (WSv). WSv will be setting the stage for a whole new wave of technologies so with that in mind, I thought I’d give you a quick peek at the product via a screencast video I created. Hypervisor I love that name. It’s catchy and kewl. It sounds like a supervisor for hyper space or something. It does of course refer to the new thin layer that is installed on Windows Server 2008 also know at the virtualization parent partition. It’s also a a term used industry wide so when you hear the term, it doesn’t just refer to the Microsoft implementation. Our hypervisor, code named “Viridian”, is an installable Windows Server 2008 role. After installation of this role, you can start installing one or more …

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Implementing Outlook Voice Access with Exchange Server 2007

A very popular new functionality of Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition is Unified Messaging. With this feature set you have some great options to remotely connect to your mailbox. Within this article I will describe how to install and set up Unified Messaging and look at how to configure Outlook Voice Access and test your configuration using the Microsoft Testphone Tool provided with Exchange Server 2007. Adding the UMS-Server Role One of the first steps to providing your users with Outlook Voice Access is to add the UMS-Server role to your Exchange Server 2007 box. This task is quite easy because you have two options: 1. Using the commandline   Figure 1: Set up UM using the Commandline

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Now Here, No Where

Membandingkan pandangan orang yang pesimis dan yang optimis. Yang pesimis mengatakan OPPORTUNITY IS NO WHERE, tidak ada peluang di mana pun. Sedang orang optimis selalu mengatakan OPPORTUNITY IS NOW HERE, peluang itu saat ini ada di sini. No where(tidak ada di mana pun) dan now here (sekarang ada di sini) jumlah dan urutan hurufnya sama persis. Hanya saja letak huruf “w” yang menyatu dengan kata yang di depan atau yang menyatu dengan kata yang di belakanglah yang membedakan artinya. Itu jelas berarti bahwa sudut pandang seseorang lah yang memastikan bahwa peluang, atau kesempatan, itu tidak ada di mana-mana, atau memang ada di sini. Toh bentuk peluangnya sama, tempat dan situasi yang dihadapi juga sama – hanya yang cukup jeli dan punya pengharapan (= optimis) dapat mengenalinya sebagai peluang yang harus ditangkap dan digarap, sedang yang lain tidak melihatnya sama sekali. Begitu peluang sudah berada di dalam dekapan kita, kita tetap …

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Blogger’s Choice Awards

The Blogger’s Choice Awards! which blogs are currently making an impact in the blogosphere. The blogs you see are all nominated and voted on by users like yourself! Not only can you nominate your favorite blogs within a slew of unique categories but you can also vote and comment on others that have already been submitted. In turn, others can also vote and comment on the blogs you’ve nominated. Votes will be displayed on the site in real-time, so you can see who’s leading within each category at any moment! The voting for Blogger’s Choice Awards 2007 will end at 11:55pm on October 19. Winners in each respective category will be recognized at a one-of-a-kind awards ceremony on November 10, 2007, at PostieCon in Las Vegas, NV. After the ceremony, the results will be posted here at BloggersChoiceAwards.com. You may nominate and vote for as many blogs as you want, as long …

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Windows Vista Parental Controls

If you’re a parent, you know there’s more to guiding your children’s computer use than shielding them from inappropriate content or contact with strangers. It’s also important to ensure that they aren’t on the computer for too long a time or when they’re supposed to be doing something else. With Windows Vista, after you and your family have agreed on a set of rules governing computer use, Parental Controls can help enforce those limits. Windows Vista Parental Controls are included in the non-business versions of Windows Vista, which are Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and Windows Vista Home Basic. Before you can start customizing Parental Controls for your children, you need to create user accounts for each of them. After you create a user account for each child, you can adjust the Parental Control settings: Open the Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts and Family Safety. Select …

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What parents must know about IM

Every afternoon as soon as Ian arrives home from school, he logs on to his instant messaging service and checks to see whom he can chat with online. “We talk about what we’re doing this weekend, comfort friends if something bad has happened and sometimes tell jokes,” he says. Instant messaging, commonly referred to as IM, is like e-mail in real-time. Instead of sending a message and waiting for it to be delivered, read and replied to, IM lets you receive a message the moment it is sent. In fact, messages pop up instantaneously on the screens of both receiver and recipient, and the speed of communication is determined mostly by the speed with which one types.

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Saya ingin menyampaikan sebuah isu yang sangat serius yang perlu anda perhatikan, Peristiwa itu terjadi pada tiga orang karyawan minggu yang lalu. Para Perampok melamparkan telur-telur ke kendaraan anda, ini tujuannya agar kemudian anda memperlambat laju kendaraan lalu anda meng-aktifkan wiper kaca mobil. Ketika wiper on, anda tidak dapat melihat kedepan. Justru inilah yang diharapkan oleh perampok tersebut. Mereka berdiri dengan jarak beberapa meter, ketika mobil anda berhenti (atau anda keluar dari mobil), mereka akan menyerang anda dan merampas mobil anda. Bisa jadi nyawa anda terancam. Jika peristiwa tersebut terjadi dengan anda, tetaplah melajukan kendaraan anda. Anda disarankan untuk sedikit membuka kaca jendela mobil, kemudian longokkan kepala anda keluar jendela untuk tetap bisa melihat kedepan, tetap sambil jalan sampai anda merasa aman. Silahkan di forward kepada rekan-rekan yang anda kenal. Mudah-mudahan hal itu akan menyelamatkan seseorang.

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The 666 sign

Sebelum Tidur: 6 minggu: selamat bobo sayang, mimpi indah ya, mmmuach. 6 bulan: tolong matiin lampunya, silau nih. 6 tahun : Kesana-an doong… kamu tidur dempet2an kayak mikrolet gini sih?! Pakai Toilet: 6 minggu: ngga apa-apa, kamu duluan deh, aku ngga buru2 koq. 6 bulan: masih lama ngga nih? 6 tahun: brug! brug! brug! (suara pintu digedor), kalo mau tapa di gunung kawi sono!

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