A zombie computer or “bot” lets an unauthorized person gain control over it, a hacker, a malicious website or email or a tainted USB thumb drive is typically the source of infection. The zombie or bot patiently waits to be summoned to perform some nefarious task often as a part of an army of tens of thousands or even millions of zombie PCs called a botnet. Attackers can access list of zombie PCs and activate them to help execute DoS (Daniel of service) attacks against web site, to host phishing web sites or to send spam email message, tracing an attack back to its source leads only to an unwitting victim rather than the true attackers. Zombie infections are good at hiding so they are not noticed and escape removal, they often have file and process names similar or even identical to normal system file names and processes so users …
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Secrets of Swiss Banking
By Hoyt Barber John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | English | 291 pages | PDF | 1.166 KB | Download | Password: swiss Switzerland. The word itself conjures up a multitude of images, nearly all quite positive and most virtually in the realm of the magical, mythical, and too good to be true. And, really, is there any other single place on this increasingly sordid planet whose reality is so close to fantasy, and maybe even perfect? Switzerland is a breath-taking wonderland of majestic Alps vaulting to the sky, charming villages nestled down deep in the valleys, pristine lakes of profound clarity, and cities of such cleanliness, beauty, and order that it seems like some deity designed and built them. And then, well, there’s all that money! And what about all the fantastic things that such money can buy resting beautifully behind rows and rows of elegant shop windows just …
Read More »Strategies for selling your old tech equipment
It’s not your fault that manufacturers continually create faster processor, slicker smartphones, and bigger TVs, for instance, in all probability you didn’t write letters to companies, demanding that they invent a high definition camcorder that would fit your pocket, but at this point, the inescapable facts are that someone made em and now you want em. Unfortunately the piles of old gadgets accumulating in your desk drawer and closet are beginning to make you fell just little bit guilty and of course you can’t always afford to lay down more cash to gratify your need for the newest, shiniest stuff. Before you start listing your unwanted stuff on eBay, sort out which items are worth the investment of time required to sell them, laptops are prime candidate for resale though the price they fetch will depend heavily on their age and on how much they cost when brand-new. Higher-end business …
Read More »iPad Networking and Security
By Glenn Fleishman TidBITS Publishing Inc. | English | 152 pages | PDF | 4.600 KB | Download | Password: ipad An argument against the iPad before its introduction was that it was just “a big iPod touch.” In reality, it is not: the bigger screen makes it possible to use it in a different way altogether. But from the standpoint of networking and other communications, the iPad is like a giant iPod touch with some iPhone features thrown in, too. Like the iPod touch, the iPad cannot place phone calls via a cellular network, and it has Wi-Fi built in; like the iPhone, Apple offers an iPad model that sends and receives data over a 3G cellular network but which can’t handle cell phone calls. This combination of options and the likelihood that you probably don’t own both a Wi-Fi only and a 3G iPad has implications for the …
Read More »97 Things Every Programmer Should Know
No matter how comfortable a schedule looks at the beginning of iteration, you can’t avoid being under pressure some of the time. If you find yourself having to choose between “doing it right” and “doing it quick,” it is often appealing to “do it quick” with the understanding that you’ll come back and fix it later. When you make this promise to yourself, your team, and your customer, you mean it. But all too often, the next iteration brings new problems and you become focused on them. This sort of deferred work is known as technical debt, and it is not your friend. Specifically, Martin Fowler calls this deliberate technical debt in his taxonomy of technical debt,* and it should not be confused with inadvertent technical debt. Technical debt is like a loan: you benefit from it in the short term, but you have to pay interest on it until …
Read More »Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income
It is hard to miss the word “blog” today, we hear blogs mentioned in the media, see them all over the world wide web and we even hear then discussed now in business and social situations, in many case the term “blogger” is used not just to describe a person who writes a blog, but also someone who earns money doing it. So what exactly is a blog? Because we are at the beginning of g a blogging book, this is definitely an issue we need to be clear on. There are number of ways we can answer this question, ranging from the broad to the highly technical, to put it as clearly as possible, a blog is a particular type of website. Studies have shown that although awareness a blogs is increasing, there are still many people who frequent blog without realizing it, this is fine, the key things …
Read More »OXIS advancing oxidative stress technology
Today, many people realize that it is best to use glutathione precursor supplements instead of ones that simply provide the molecule itself, glutathione importance and the process to manufacture it within the body for proper circulation are relatively recent. Its awareness has straddled both alternative and mainstream medicine; ideally, you should choose a supplement that will give you all of the precursors, as well as critical co-factors. Antioxidant skin care products require some knowledge about skin care. Many people are now aware of free radicals and the damage they can cause to your skin. Antioxidants help reverse the damage caused by free radicals. Most of us are aware of collagen and its role in acting as a support structure in the skin but you may not know that there are five main types of collagen more important than the others and each of them working in different areas of the …
Read More »USB 3.0
When you are in front of your PC, waiting for something to transfer to removable media, seconds can feel like minutes and minutes like hours, and backups to USB 2.0 appear to crawl along at snail’s pace, so much so that users often become reluctant to perform that essential chore, such data transfer scenario are where the new super speed USB 3.0 standard and its theoretical. Blazing fast throughput as promised by the USB implementers forum (USB IF) will change your life for better, and if our test of four new USB 3.0 hard drives from Buffalo technology, Lomega, Seagate and Western Digital are indicative, the change will certainly be dramatic. USB 3.0’s impressive speed is it raison d’etre, but part of its beauty is its backward compatibility with UBS 2.0. You need a new cable and new host adapter or one the new motherboard builds to support USB 3.0 …
Read More »Recognize a hoax
Fraudsters use a variety of techniques to get at your cash, the most common hoaxes and scams that you’ll come across online, they were all thought up and used successfully before the dawning of the internet, but your email inbox is the most likely place you’ll find them these days. This old hoax has been doing the round for year; it involves tricking victims into paying money in the many names, including money transfer fraud, advance fee fraud or 419 scam. Even before the internet existed, this fraud was rife it was usually spread using regular letters and fax machines. Email is cheaper and easier to send to millions of people, so the criminals have adapted the new technology. The name 419 comes from the article of the Nigerian criminal code that refers to fraud, the 419 scam originated in Nigeria in the 1980s, although similar cons had been occurring …
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