Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

The reasons to fight spam on Yahoo! Messenger

I came across a disturbing story on Yahoo! News last week called “Confessions of a former spammer”. It detailed the practices of a former email spammer named “Ed” who earned a as much as $15,000 per week sending emails that promoted pills, porn and casinos. Like any good opportunist, Ed has written a book about …

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Who you gonna call

Microsoft offers no-charge phone support for virus and spyware problems, and for other security-related questions for consumers. Before you call, make sure to take these four steps to help protect your computer: 1. Keep your firewall turned on. 2. Keep your operating system up-to-date. 3. Useantivirus software. 4. Use antispyware software. If you’re unsure if your antivirus software or anti-spyware software is up to date, you can get a free scan of your computer at the Windows Live OneCare Safety Center at, if you’re still having trouble, you can call: 1-866-PCSafety or 1-866-727-2338 Support engineers are available 24 hours a day for the U.S. and Canada. For phone numbers outside of the U.S. and Canada, select your region Note: Do not call with the same phone line that you use to connect to the Internet. You might have to connect to the Internet while you’re on the phone with …

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Safari exploit gives hackers full control over iPhones

Researchers just unveiled a pretty serious security vulnerability in the iPhone. More specifically, it’s Apple’s Safari web browser which exhibits the vulnerability. Researchers at Independent Security Evaluators have used the vulnerability to take malicious control of the iPhone from rogue websites loaded with the exploit. Once in, researchers have full administrative access over the phone allowing them to listen in on room audio or snatch the SMS log, address book, call history, email passwords and more — we’re talking full access to your phone. Researchers note that the only way to stay safe is to check those URLs and only visit sites that you trust (which isn’t very reassuring) and “may or may not be exploitable” from Mac and PC versions of Safari — the same vulnerability exists only they haven’t written the proof-of-concept exploit to test it yet. Apple has been notified of the vulnerability and a proposed fix …

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Blogger’s Choice Awards

The Blogger’s Choice Awards! which blogs are currently making an impact in the blogosphere. The blogs you see are all nominated and voted on by users like yourself! Not only can you nominate your favorite blogs within a slew of unique categories but you can also vote and comment on others that have already been submitted. In turn, others can also vote and comment on the blogs you’ve nominated. Votes will be displayed on the site in real-time, so you can see who’s leading within each category at any moment! The voting for Blogger’s Choice Awards 2007 will end at 11:55pm on October 19. Winners in each respective category will be recognized at a one-of-a-kind awards ceremony on November 10, 2007, at PostieCon in Las Vegas, NV. After the ceremony, the results will be posted here at You may nominate and vote for as many blogs as you want, as long …

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iPhone Independence Day

Jon Lech Johansen’s found a way to activate a brand new unactivated iPhone without giving any of your money or personal information to NSA AT&T. The iPhone does not have phone capability, but the iPod and WiFi work. Stay tuned! Update: Magic iTunes numbers: Offset 2048912: 33C0C3 Offset 257074: 28 Offset 257013: 33C9B1 Add “” to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Download Phone Activation Server v1.0 to activate your iPhone for iPod+WiFi use. Note that this application will not do anything unless you understand the magic numbers as well as add the hosts entry. Phone Activation Server (PAS) requires that you have the MS .NET Framework 2.0 installed. Download PAS v1.0 Source Code. by Jon Lech Johansen’s

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Wi-Fi trouble with the iPhone

Network World is reporting that Duke University’s Wi-Fi network is suffering from what appear to be rogue iPhones. Duke’s Kevin Miller told Network World that the iPhone’s Wi-Fi chips are flooding the university’s Cisco access points with requests for MAC (Media Access Control) addresses. This is apparently knocking out dozens of access points as the 150 iPhones on campus wander around between different hotspots. It seems a bit weird to me. No other reports of trouble with iPhones and Wi-Fi networks have surfaced, though of course it’s very early in the iPhone’s tenure on the planet and this may prompt others to come forward. Duke IT employees seem to think it’s a problem with the iPhone, as opposed to a problem with Cisco’s equipment or their network configuration. My colleague and resident networking expert Maggie Reardon contacted Cisco, but a company representative said Cisco couldn’t comment at this time. An …

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Antivirus AVG “Palsu”

Diskon adalah hal yang dinanti-nanti penggemar belanja, makin besar diskon yang diberikan maka makin banyak orang yang tertarik. Kalau saja kata diskon dapat menarik perhatian, apalagi kata Gratis !! Rupanya hal ini menjadi perhatian pembuat virus dan memunculkan idenya untuk memanfaatkan kebiasaan pengguna komputer untuk mendapatkan program gratisan. Dan celakanya, program gratisan yang menjadi korban adalah program antivirus yang cukup popular dikalangan pengguna komputer. AVG (Anti Viral Group,bukan singkatan dari Anti Virus Gratis) besutan Grisoft Seperti kita ketahui, di internet terdapat beberapa vendor antivirus yang memberikan programnya secara gratis kepada penggunanya (biasakan baca EULA – End User License Agreement sebelum menginstal software gratis supaya anda mengetahui ketentuan penggunaan software gratis) seperti Antivir, Avast, AVG dan bitdefender Tidak lupa pembuat virus ini memberikan pesan agar virus ciptaannya diberi nama Piglet (dengan gambar kartun yang agak seronok) yang malahan mengingatkan pada Winnie The Pooh. Jika sebelumnya Kespo mulai menyebar dengan …

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Windows Vista Parental Controls

If you’re a parent, you know there’s more to guiding your children’s computer use than shielding them from inappropriate content or contact with strangers. It’s also important to ensure that they aren’t on the computer for too long a time or when they’re supposed to be doing something else. With Windows Vista, after you and your family have agreed on a set of rules governing computer use, Parental Controls can help enforce those limits. Windows Vista Parental Controls are included in the non-business versions of Windows Vista, which are Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and Windows Vista Home Basic. Before you can start customizing Parental Controls for your children, you need to create user accounts for each of them. After you create a user account for each child, you can adjust the Parental Control settings: Open the Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts and Family Safety. Select …

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Create an XPS document

XPS documents are a new archiving format perfect for preserving content and securely sharing information, no matter which program you’re using. To create an XPS document: Open any document in virtually any application and click Print In the Printer Selection menu, choose MicrosoftXPS Document Writer and save the file. Double-click the file to open it in the XPS Viewer, which Windows Internet Explorer 7 hosts. The XPS document is a pixel-perfect rendition of the original source material. Visit Help and How-to website to learn more about using Windows Vista.

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