Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

Inside Windows Vista User Account Control

UAC’s Goal UAC is meant to enable users to run with standard user rights, as opposed to administrative rights. Administrative rights give users the ability to read and modify any part of the operating system, including the code and data of other users—and even Windows® itself. Without administrative rights users cannot accidentally (or deliberately) modify …

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Mobile Messaging with Exchange Server 2007 – Part 1

Built-in support for Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) in the Exchange Server product has been available since the Exchange Server 2003 RTM version. But it wasn’t until the release of Exchange Server 2003 SP2, in which the DirectPush technology (aka AUTD v2) as well as device security policies were introduced, that mobile messaging got widely deployed in the organizations around the world. With DirectPush, the Exchange Server product suddenly provided a true over-the-air (OTA) push experience, where new items synchronized immediately to a device whenever changes occurred in the mailbox. Exchange Server 2007 brings mobile messaging to the next level by providing several new end-user features, improved security, and management options built directly into the Exchange Management Console (EMC). In this part one of this article series, we’ll take a look at the new mobile device features and improvements.

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PC Protection Part 2

How to protect your PC with Ad-Aware BargainBuddy, 180 Search Assistant, NavExcel: these names strike fear and loathing into the hearts of Web surfers the world over. But these are far from the only spyware components you need to worry about. Cyberspace is crawling with all kinds of vicious critters that can wreak havoc on your system, and the problem is only getting worse, as unsavory software developers spawn more malignant and sneaky spyware variants virtually overnight. One of the most popular spyware-combat tools on the market is the free Ad-Aware, but don’t let its cute baby-blue interface and price tag fool you: It’s a powerful program capable of dealing with many of the newest, most serious threats. In fact, it took top honors in the latest edition of our spyware obstacle course. Step 1: Stay up to date Like most antispyware utilities, Ad-Aware works by comparing your PC’s contents …

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Top SEO Tips

From the obvious to the “Hey-I-never-thought-of-that-great-idea-before”, here are 10 of the top 52 tips on how to optimize your website for its turbo-charge rocket ride up the search engine rankings. Be bold. Use the tags around some of your keywords on each page. Do NOT use them everywhere the keyword appears. Once or twice is plenty.

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PC Protection Part 1

Lesson 1: Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses in this lesson, you’ll learn what viruses and worms are, how they can enter your PC, and how you can remove them quickly and easily. Viruses and worms are computer programs deliberately designed and written to alter the way your computer works, without your permission or knowledge. A virus has two properties: It must be able to run itself. It must be able to replicate or duplicate itself. Some viruses are designed to cause damage to the PC they are on by destroying programs, deleting user files, or reformatting the hard drive, but other viruses are merely prankster programs that spread and present a message in one form or another. But even these joke viruses must be removed because they can consume valuable system resources or cause the computer to crash. A worm is different than a virus; it is a program that …

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Frustrated with Windows Service Pack 2?

OK, so you’ve tried Windows XP SP2. And you hate it. You installed the update, and a can’t-live-without-it application broke into a billion pieces. Or you can’t connect to the Internet, no matter how many hoops you jump through. Now your only thought is: Out, damned SP2! Is it possible to get rid of SP2 once you’ve installed it? Or is SP2 like an unwanted guest who comes for a three-day visit but ends up moving into your spare bedroom? Try these SP2 rollback maneuvers. Of course, you’ll be removing some of the security features that Microsoft intends for keeping your PC safer. So you should know how to update your OS yourself. 1. Outta here with Add or Remove. Microsoft has its own preferred order of tactics to dump SP2, and “Add or remove programs” heads the list. It’s also the simplest, so try it first. It took about …

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Why does Google remember information about searches?

Google recently announced a new policy to anonymize google server logs after 18–24 months. Google the only leading search company to have taken this step publicly. Google believe it’s an important part of our commitment to respect user privacy while balancing a number of important factors. In developing this policy, we spoke with various privacy advocates, regulators and others about how long they think the period should be. There is a wide spectrum of views on this – some think data should be preserved for longer, others think it should be anonymized almost immediately. We spent a great deal of time sorting this out and thought we’d explain some of the things that prompted us to decide on 18-24 months. Three factors were critical. One was maintaining our ability to continue to improve the quality of our search services. Another was to protect our systems and our users from fraud …

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Apakah Anda Sudah Belajar

SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa saya tidak dapat memaksa orang lain mencintai saya, saya hanya dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk orang yang saya cintai ………. SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa persahabatan sejati senantiasa bertumbuh walau dipisahkan oleh jarak yang jauh, beberapa di antaranya melahirkan cinta sejati ….. SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa sebaik-baiknya pasangan itu, mereka pasti pernah melukai perasaan saya, dan untuk itu saya harus memaafkannya ….. SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa tidak ada yang instant atau serba cepat di dunia ini, semua butuh proses pertumbuhan kecuali saya ingin sakit hati ….. SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa saya punya hak untuk marah, tetapi itu bukan berarti saya harus benci dan berlaku bengis …… SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa orang-orang yang saya kasihi justru sering diambil segera dari kehidupan saya …… SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa kata-kata manis tanpa tindakan adalah saat perpisahan dengan orang yang saya cintai …… SAYA BELAJAR, bahwa butuh waktu bertahun-tahun untuk membangun kepercayaan dan hanya beberapa detik saja untuk menghancurkannya …

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Mengapa Sulit Mengucap Syukur

Aku bermimpi suatu hari aku pergi ke surga dan seorang malaikat menemaniku dan menunjukkan keadaan di surga. Kami berjalan memasuki suatu ruang kerja penuh dengan para malaikat. Malaikat yang mengantarku berhenti di depanruang kerja pertama dan berkata, ” Ini adalah Seksi Penerimaan. Di sini, semua permintaan yang ditujukan pada Allah diterima”. Aku melihat-lihat sekeliling tempat ini dan aku dapati tempat ini begitu sibuk dengan begitu banyak malaikat yang memilah-milah seluruh permohonan yang tertulis pada kertas dari manusia di seluruh dunia. Kemudian aku dan malaikat-ku berjalan lagi melalui koridor yang panjang lalu sampailah kami pada ruang kerja kedua. Malaikat-ku berkata, “Ini adalah Seksi Pengepakan dan Pengiriman. Di sini kemuliaan dan berkat yang diminta manusia diproses dan dikirim ke manusia-manusia yang masih hidup yang memintanya”.

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