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Home 4 John Black (page 29)

John Black

A professional fast learner, with experience in the IT management, capable of technical troubleshooting to identify and solve problems.

File and Printer Sharing in Windows Vista

Microsoft® Windows Vista™ has made some important changes to the way that file and printer sharing works. This article describes the changes and provides step-by-step instructions for sharing files and printers and connecting to shared files and printers from a computer running Windows Vista for a small-office or home office network that does not use …

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DNS Stub Zones in Windows Server 2003

Stub zones are a new feature of DNS in Windows Server 2003 that can be used to streamline name resolution, especially in a split namespace scenario. They also help reduce the amount of DNS traffic on your network, making DNS more efficient especially over slow WAN links. This article will look in detail at what stub zones are, how they work, and when to use them. I’ll also walk you through the process of creating a stub zone to facilitate name lookups between two separate forests. But first, a little background on DNS zones is necessary to see where stub zones fit into the overall picture. Types of DNS Zones A zone is a contiguous portion of DNS namespace managed by one or more name servers. Zones contain resource records that specify the name of the DNS server authoritative for the zone (SOA record), the names and IP addresses of …

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Prosedur Sweeping Windows bajakan

Pihak POLRI TIDAK BERHAK Untuk mengambil komputer dari TKP kecuali TERBUKTI TERLIBAT dalam tindakan kriminal (praduga Tak bersalah) Misalnya dipergunakan untuk membuat CD/DVD bajakan itu sendiri, menjual software bajakan, mempubilkasikan secara umum (bersifat komersial) seperti isilagu/ringtone MP3, toko menjual barang ilegal (hard ware curian), credit card fraud, dll. Proses PEMBUKTIAN KETERLIBATAN seseorang dalam tindakan kriminal yang menggunakan komputer membutuhkan waktu yang lama, termasuk melakukan pengintaian. Jadi, apabila ada POLISI yang berani masuk ke dalam warnet dan menyatakan harus menyita semua komputer yang ada berarti mereka adalah OKNUM yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Semua ada proses/prosedurnya Mengenai pemakaian windows original, pernyataan di bawah ini diperoleh langsung dari pihak Microsoft Indonesia dan juga melalui perwakilannya, yaitu Magenta Sebagai tempat pendaftaran MSRA. Pertama Akan ada perwakilan dari pihak yang merasa berkepentingan (misalnya Microsoft) yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan SURVEYOR datang melakukan SURVEY, BUKAN RAZIA/PENYITAAN!!!. Mereka wajib Menunjukkan surat perintah kerja (SPK) yang berisikan detail apa …

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DNS Conditional Forwarding in Windows Server 2003

Conditional forwarding is a new feature of DNS in Windows Server 2003 that can be used to speed up name resolution in certain scenarios. They can also be used to help companies resolve each other’s namespace in a situation where companies collaborate a merger is underway. This article will look in detail at how conditional forwarding works, how to configure it, and when you might use it. But first, let’s briefly review the concepts of forwarding and forwarders in traditional DNS, starting with different types of name queries. Forwarders and Forwarding When a name server is queried in DNS, the way it responds depends on the type of query issued, which can be either iterative or recursive. In an iterative query, the client asks the name server for the best possible answer to its query. The name server checks its cache and the zones for which it is authoritative and …

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Installing DNS On Windows 2003

Key points will be highlighted that will help to make the installation of DNS on Windows 2003 effective. This article will have a security slant to it as security is a compelling part of any well built network. Planning of the DNS installation is beyond the scope of this article and will be covered in later articles. The installation of DNS in itself is not at all complicated but mitigating aspects and considerations need to be addressed so that security is taken into account as well as planning and redundancy has been factored in to allow for normal operational downtime without disruption to the clients. Specific rules like where to place such a server and how to secure it needs to be taken into consideration and adequate planning will result in successful role out of the service. TCP/IP uses an IP addresses to locate and connect to hosts, people are …

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Installing ISA Server 2006 Remotely

Not so many people prefer to do installations remotely, specially for a Firewall Like ISA Server that is well known to have a Default rule upon installation to deny everything that passes through it. But for those who wish to do such installation, go on , its safe, and you will be  able to continue having remote access to the machine after ISA Server is installed Configuration on Windows Server Before Installing ISA Server Before installing ISA Server remotely, we need to be able to Remote Access to the server we want to install ISA Server on. so our requisites are : Enable Remote Desktop on the Server Make sure Exception are enabled in the Windows Firewall ( If Enabled ) on the Server To enable Remote Desktop, Right click on My Computer > Properties > Click on the Remote Tab and enable the checkbox where it says Enable Remote Desktop on this …

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Insinyur Mesin Indonesia

Melihat kondisi negara saat ini dengan uang yang sangat banyak tapi penciptaan pekerjaan masih relatif sangat sedikit. Dalam berbagai pertemuan saya selalu bilang bahwa penyebab kejadian ini adalah karena insinyur Indonesia masih “belum” bekerja keras. E-mail ini bukan bermaksud untuk mengkritik namun lebih sebagai sebuah introspeksi & “lessons learned” agar Indonesia dimasa mendatang akan lebih maju lagi. Saya setuju dengan hipotesa bahwa kemajuan negara adalah karena peran dan kemajuan perusahaan-perusaha an di negara tersebut (bukan pemerintahannya) . Sedangkan kemajuan perusahaan disebabkan karena inovasi teknologi para insinyur-insinyurny a dalam meng-“create value” di dalam perusahaan tersebut. Artinya semakin inovatif dan berkarya para insinyur didalam suatu korporasi, maka akan majulah bangsa dan negara tersebut. Jadi disini, kata kuncinya adalah insinyur dan korporasi dalam memajukan bangsa.Berikut beberapa fakta yang membuat saya galau : Pembangunan pabrik-pabrik industri max 50% local content Setiap kali saya membangun pabrik-pabrik industri di Indonesia,peralatan dan material yang bisa dibeli di …

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Dual-Booting Windows XP, Vista and Ubuntu 7.04 part III

Installing Ubuntu with Windows XP/Vista installedIf you are reading this part of the guide, then you likely have a computer in which XP/Vista takes up if not all, almost all of your hard drive space. This will help you edit your partitions in order to make space for Ubuntu. Disclaimer – Editing your partitions on an already installed OS is not always the safest method. You should back-up all data that is important to you in case an accident occurs. Also I take no responsibility for any data loss as a result of using my guide. Editing XP Partitions Unfortunately Windows XP does not come with any utility to edit your partitions. This also makes editing XP a bit more difficult. You have two options on how to do this: Buy a partition editor (best choice would be Partition Magic). Do the following steps I am about to show: using …

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Dual-Booting Windows XP, Vista and Ubuntu 7.04 part II

Windows Vista + Ubuntu 7.04 What you will need: Windows Vista Boot Disk Ubuntu 7.04 Boot Disk Make sure your computer is set to boot from a CD. To check this go into your BIOS. From there go to “Boot” and go to “Boot Priorities”. Make sure CD-ROM is set to boot first and you’re all set. Installing Windows Vista Now I am going go over how to install Windows Vista step-by-step. 1. Make sure your Vista boot up disk is in the CD-ROM and start your PC. 2. When it begins to boot you should see a black screen with a loading bar. This may take a few minutes so just let it load everything. 3. Next select your language, time/currency format, and keyboard method. Then press Next.

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