Co-management is the deep integration between ConfigMgr and Intune that enables you to easily begin begin moving traditional, domain-joined and ConfigMgr-managed solutions to a deployment of Azure Active Directory and Intune with #Just4Clicks. An organization can move any workload, at any speed, at any time – based entirely on that organization’s unique needs. Here are a few of the features I’m talking about that you instantly have once you turn on Co-Management: Compliance policies and Conditional Access. This is a BIG one (I’m sure you’ve heard about it) and it’s available for use right now.Conditional access enables you to ensure any device requesting access to corporate data is compliant with your policies and can therefore be trusted in your network. Intune is the only EMM solution that can set the conditional access policies for Office 365 across Windows, iOS, Android, and Mac. A wide variety of real-time actions, like remote factory reset or wipe for a …
Read More »Security
How hospitals are keeping patient data secure
Given the wealth of sensitive personal data healthcare organizations process and store, it’s no surprise that hospitals, medical offices, and other healthcare systems are prime targets for cybercrime. In 2014, an estimated 85 percent of large healthcare organizations faced a data breach, and one in five of those breaches cost the organization more than $1 million to rectify.1 Due to the costs a data breach can inflict on the operation, as well as the patients it’s entrusted to care for, healthcare organizations have become more vigilant and determined to battle cybercrime—and their efforts underscore important steps any business can apply to improve data security. Step #1: Ensure you’re using devices with multiple layers of security The problem: For the sake of efficiency, some healthcare operations favored the status quo rather than adopting new technologies designed with advanced security features.2 Many doctors’ offices, for instance, relied on pre-printed prescription pads, which stand particularly …
Read More »Internet of Things security primer
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides convenience, comfort, and cost savings through a vast and growing collection of connected devices ranging from HVAC systems and printers to fitness trackers, medical devices, and automobiles. And not surprisingly, those benefits are attracting the attention of businesses big and small. “The alluring promise of an improved bottom line will encourage businesses to focus on IoT,” predicts HP Chief Technology Officer, Shane Wall. “It can lower operating costs, increase productivity, and help businesses expand into new markets or offer new products.” While it is true that IoT devices can help businesses drive improvements in areas such as operations, staff performance, and the customer experience, a serious issue bubbles below all of that promise: security. Source :
Read More »Network Security Policies and Procedures
By Douglas W. Frye 235 pages | PDF | 9.191 KB | Download | Password: network Technology is progressing at an astounding pace, and many organizations are working so hard to implement the technologies they need to survive need to understand how their network security policies and procedures regimen fits into the picture. Technical workers and management tend to have one thing in common: they don’t appreciate the constraints the other works within when going about their jobs. Management criticizes the system administrators for not understanding how the best technical solution isn’t appropriate for meeting the company’s goals, while the system administrators criticize management for not understanding that what they’re asking for is impossible, overly expensive or foolhardy. While some counter-examples do exist in the IT world, quite often those in charge of running a business or governmental organization are professional managers rather than professional technologists with managerial training. Most …
Read More »Hackers Beware
By Eric Cole New Riders Publishingh | 817 pages | PDF | 5.017 KB | Download | Password: hacker No matter what field you work in, you cannot help but notice the impact that the Internet has had on society. It has opened up opportunities and markets that people only dreamed of before. As with any new technology, there is always a positive and negative aspect. The positive side is the tremendous business opportunities. The negative side is the huge security risk that is now posed to so many companies, yet few companies are truly aware of the potential danger. It’s like getting in a brand new car and driving down the road at 80mph, only to realize that the engineers did not equip the car with breaks. If this did occur and a large number of people bought the car, the net result would be a high number of …
Read More »Don’t let your PCs join the zombie hordes
A zombie computer or “bot” lets an unauthorized person gain control over it, a hacker, a malicious website or email or a tainted USB thumb drive is typically the source of infection. The zombie or bot patiently waits to be summoned to perform some nefarious task often as a part of an army of tens of thousands or even millions of zombie PCs called a botnet. Attackers can access list of zombie PCs and activate them to help execute DoS (Daniel of service) attacks against web site, to host phishing web sites or to send spam email message, tracing an attack back to its source leads only to an unwitting victim rather than the true attackers. Zombie infections are good at hiding so they are not noticed and escape removal, they often have file and process names similar or even identical to normal system file names and processes so users …
Read More »How private are your private files
We all have digital information we wish to keep private, from a word document filled with improvisational notes about surprise party to work files and folders that contain commercially sensitive facts and figures, but knowing how to keep such data secure and away from nosy-parkers is not always obvious. For starter, there are many different ways to make files and folders private, and some options available in Windows XP are not offer in Vista and vice versa, finding the right stating point can be tricky. Where to start Begin by deciding what it is your want to achieve, for some the privacy problem will relate to using a work computer to store private files, perhaps to work on updating a CV during your lunch break, things you rather your boss didn’t see, I’m not going to delve deeply into this area because ensuring privacy on a PC you don’t own …
Read More »Why Twitter needs security
The concept of twitter building networks to share teeny-weeny bits of information, who need to read a steady of people’s random thought each in 140 character or less, yet twitter is taking the world by storm, it’s number of active users has grown 900 percent from 2007 to 2008, and actually twitter can be quite helpful if you want to receive news updates, promote your business and connect with colleagues and friends. As great a tool as twitter is there are some significant security risks due to its very nature, as a result of imposing a 140 character limit on each tweet, user replace real URL with shortened ones, such as those created by the service TinyURL or Those who read the tweets have no way of knowing where the link leads until after they click it, making it extremely easy for mischief makers to funnel traffic to malicious …
Read More »The Connection between Online Sex and Online Security
Visiting any adult website can compromise your computer’s security, that notion is widely bandied about, even though common sense tells us that if it was that common then surely the online that is does, 12 million people whose computer were compromised by a virus over 6 month period, one million of them were result of visiting an adult web site, of course, all 12 million infections occurred because the hapless victim either had no anti-virus protection or out of date protection, but still that one million in six months infection rate for the online porn industry does reinforce the nation that, whether on the internet or in real life, the red light district is always a hazardous part of town. Another bit of research that found suggest that 31% of all the most dangerous web site out there contain adult content, based on a study of some 19 million site, …
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