Saturday , 27 July 2024
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97 Things Every Programmer Should Know

No matter how comfortable a schedule looks at the beginning of iteration, you can’t avoid being under pressure some of the time. If you find yourself having to choose between “doing it right” and “doing it quick,” it is often appealing to “do it quick” with the understanding that you’ll come back and fix it …

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Secrets for blogging your way to a six figure income

It is hard to miss the word “blog” today, we hear blogs mentioned in the media, see them all over the world wide web and we even hear then discussed now in business and social situations, in many case the term “blogger” is used not just to describe a person who writes a blog, but also someone who earns money doing it. So what exactly is a blog? Because we are at the beginning of g a blogging book, this is definitely an issue we need to be clear on. There are number of ways we can answer this question, ranging from the broad to the highly technical, to put it as clearly as possible, a blog is a particular type of website. Studies have shown that although awareness a blogs is increasing, there are still many people who frequent blog without realizing it, this is fine, the key things …

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OXIS advancing oxidative stress technology

Today, many people realize that it is best to use glutathione precursor supplements instead of ones that simply provide the molecule itself, glutathione importance and the process to manufacture it within the body for proper circulation are relatively recent. Its awareness has straddled both alternative and mainstream medicine; ideally, you should choose a supplement that will give you all of the precursors, as well as critical co-factors. Antioxidant skin care products require some knowledge about skin care. Many people are now aware of free radicals and the damage they can cause to your skin. Antioxidants help reverse the damage caused by free radicals. Most of us are aware of collagen and its role in acting as a support structure in the skin but you may not know that there are five main types of collagen more important than the others and each of them working in different areas of the …

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USB 3.0

When you are in front of your PC, waiting for something to transfer to removable media, seconds can feel like minutes and minutes like hours, and backups to USB 2.0 appear to crawl along at snail’s pace, so much so that users often become reluctant to perform that essential chore, such data transfer scenario are where the new super speed USB 3.0 standard and its theoretical. Blazing fast throughput as promised by the USB implementers forum (USB IF) will change your life for better, and if our test of four new USB 3.0 hard drives from Buffalo technology, Lomega, Seagate and Western Digital are indicative, the change will certainly be dramatic. USB 3.0’s impressive speed is it raison d’etre, but part of its beauty is its backward compatibility with UBS 2.0. You need a new cable and new host adapter or one the new motherboard builds to support USB 3.0 …

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Recognize a hoax

Fraudsters use a variety of techniques to get at your cash, the most common hoaxes and scams that you’ll come across online, they were all thought up and used successfully before the dawning of the internet, but your email inbox is the most likely place you’ll find them these days. This old hoax has been doing the round for year; it involves tricking victims into paying money in the many names, including money transfer fraud, advance fee fraud or 419 scam. Even before the internet existed, this fraud was rife it was usually spread using regular letters and fax machines. Email is cheaper and easier to send to millions of people, so the criminals have adapted the new technology. The name 419 comes from the article of the Nigerian criminal code that refers to fraud, the 419 scam originated in Nigeria in the 1980s, although similar cons had been occurring …

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Choosing a Camcorder

All camcorder are designed to record video, but there’s amazing variety of models, all the terminology you need to know and help you choose the right model for your need. Most camcorders can shoot video that’s compatible with the PAL TV format. This has resolution of 720×576 pixels and consists of 50 interlaced frames per second. Interlacing is when each whole frame is recorded and stored as two fields, each with only half the pictures, so in fact only 25 full frames are captures per second, this standard definition video will play on any TV with an appropriate video input. High definition (HD) TVs are becoming the norm, and if you haven’t got one yet, chances are that your next TV will be HD, HD camcorders have been available for a while now, but they’re still relatively expensive compared with standard definition models. Resolutions and frame rates vary, but 1,929×1,080 …

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Easier printing in Windows 7

In general, printing in Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 is the same as it has been for the past several Windows operating systems. You still perform the same installation and user actions to execute a print job. But there are a few new enhancements that strive to eliminate common user and IT hassles: Easier printing to devices found in multiple, recurring locations such as the home and office Access information about installed print devices and have an easy way to take action Achieve greater stability around print drivers Let’s look at a few of these new features. Location aware printing New with Windows 7, the OS (operating system) automatically sets and remembers your default printer based on your current network location. So now, when you go between the office and home, your default printer will change automatically, making it simple to access and use the printer you have in each location. Say …

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6 ways to beat computer viruses

Computer viruses: they’ve been around for years, and they aren’t going away. And they continue to proliferate and cause major damage, with the “Gumblar” or “Geno” virus as the latest high-profile virus to infect computers. This virus is a particularly insidious one, with a multi-phased attack. After infecting a machine, Gumblar installs a series of malware programs, including a small application capable of stealing FTP credentials. It can gain control of an entire website and freely operate it. Gumblar also monitors the infected user’s online activity, and waits for the user to conduct Google searches. The malware hijacks the search results, replacing them with any link of its choice and further infecting the computer with malware. The virus also installs a fake antivirus program known as System Security 2009, and disables any legitimate security software. So what can you do to avoid becoming a victim of this and other viruses? …

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Login to Your PC by Simply Looking

Logging into Windows has never been easier! Just look into a webcam for a moment, and you’ll be logged into your account before you notice. Blink! Advanced face recognition technologies to provide automatic, quick and reliable login to one or many computer users. Blink is a biometric PC access application that enables the user to log in to Windows by face, which is captured by the webcam, matched against the registered profile and identified by the application? The application makes it remarkably easy to log in the system as there is no need to enter username and password on Windows startup, or when the system is locked. The logon process is completely automatic and based on received biometric data. With Blink! You can login day or night. Sophisticated face recognition algorithms adjust for varying lighting conditions automatically, making login possible without additional training no matter whether window or artificial lighting is being …

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