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I Tweet, You Tweet, We All Tweet

By Kyle Lacy Wiley Publishing, Inc| English | 315 pages | PDF | 8.450 KB | Download | Password: itweet This idea of communicating on the Internet is continually evolving, and with Twitter, you have the opportunity to reach millions of people in a matter of seconds. The future of online communication is rendering business …

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Small business survival tips

You’re probably tired of hearing right now about how tough times are for small businesses. After all, you’re living with that reality every day. What you need is some concrete advice for how to save money, reduce costs and improve your efficiency while still delivering the excellent customer service that’s the backbone of your business. No doubt you’ve been trimming costs wherever you can find them (a great practice for both businesses and families!), but there may be a whole landscape you haven’t explored for savings yet. We’ve compiled nine tips designed to help you mine your business for opportunities to save money while building a strong foundation for future growth. Let’s get started! Find out in this two-part series: “Small business survival tips.” Tip 1: Print your marketing materials in-house You may think that there’s no way you have the time, expertise or equipment to produce professional-quality materials in-house. …

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Quick Guide to Backup and Recovery

What needs to be backed up? A full backup of your PC’s hard drive is recommended to guarantee your operating system and all your important files are protected. A partial backup will protect only selected files and applications. Before deciding on partial backup, keep in mind all the irreplaceable information stored on your hard drive. A full backup solution provides the most comprehensive way to protect data on your PC, though there are situations where partial backup is sufficient, such as when you are working exclusively on one large project. How often to back up your files Full system backups can be automated to run daily, weekly or continuously. Or you can do a complete backup instantly just by plugging in a SimpleSave drive. The frequency should depend on how often you are adding or changing important files on your hard drive. A good rule of thumb? Back up your …

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Don’t let your PCs join the zombie hordes

A zombie computer or “bot” lets an unauthorized person gain control over it, a hacker, a malicious website or email or a tainted USB thumb drive is typically the source of infection. The zombie or bot patiently waits to be summoned to perform some nefarious task often as a part of an army of tens of thousands or even millions of zombie PCs called a botnet. Attackers can access list of zombie PCs and activate them to help execute DoS (Daniel of service) attacks against web site, to host phishing web sites or to send spam email message, tracing an attack back to its source leads only to an unwitting victim rather than the true attackers. Zombie infections are good at hiding so they are not noticed and escape removal, they often have file and process names similar or even identical to normal system file names and processes so users …

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Secrets of Swiss Banking

By Hoyt Barber John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | English | 291 pages | PDF | 1.166 KB | Download | Password: swiss Switzerland. The word itself conjures up a multitude of images, nearly all quite positive and most virtually in the realm of the magical, mythical, and too good to be true. And, really, is there any other single place on this increasingly sordid planet whose reality is so close to fantasy, and maybe even perfect? Switzerland is a breath-taking wonderland of majestic Alps vaulting to the sky, charming villages nestled down deep in the valleys, pristine lakes of profound clarity, and cities of such cleanliness, beauty, and order that it seems like some deity designed and built them. And then, well, there’s all that money! And what about all the fantastic things that such money can buy resting beautifully behind rows and rows of elegant shop windows just …

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Strategies for selling your old tech equipment

It’s not your fault that manufacturers continually create faster processor, slicker smartphones, and bigger TVs, for instance, in all probability you didn’t write letters to companies, demanding that they invent a high definition camcorder that would fit your pocket, but at this point, the inescapable facts are that someone made em and now you want em. Unfortunately the piles of old gadgets accumulating in your desk drawer and closet are beginning to make you fell just little bit guilty and of course you can’t always afford to lay down more cash to gratify your need for the newest, shiniest stuff. Before you start listing your unwanted stuff on eBay, sort out which items are worth the investment of time required to sell them, laptops are prime candidate for resale though the price they fetch will depend heavily on their age and on how much they cost when brand-new. Higher-end business …

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iPad Networking and Security

By Glenn Fleishman TidBITS Publishing Inc. | English | 152 pages | PDF | 4.600 KB | Download | Password: ipad An argument against the iPad before its introduction was that it was just “a big iPod touch.” In reality, it is not: the bigger screen makes it possible to use it in a different way altogether. But from the standpoint of networking and other communications, the iPad is like a giant iPod touch with some iPhone features thrown in, too. Like the iPod touch, the iPad cannot place phone calls via a cellular network, and it has Wi-Fi built in; like the iPhone, Apple offers an iPad model that sends and receives data over a 3G cellular network but which can’t handle cell phone calls. This combination of options and the likelihood that you probably don’t own both a Wi-Fi only and a 3G iPad has implications for the …

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Hacking Gmail

By Ben Hammersley Wiley Publishing, Inc| English | 310 pages | PDF | 5.416 KB | Download | Password: gmail Google’s web-based e-mail service, still now at the time of this writing in Beta, and available only to people invited by other existing users, was launched. Offering a gigabyte of storage, an incredibly advanced JavaScript interface, and a series of user interface innovations, Gmail was an instant hit among those who could get access to the system. Today, more than a year later, Gmail is proving to be one of the flagship applications on the web—a truly rich application within the browser, combined with the server based power of the world’s leading search engine. Of course, all that power just begs to be abused. Power corrupts, as they say, and hackers are nothing but a corrupt bunch: Almost as soon as Gmail was launched, hackers were looking at ways to use …

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Digital Forensics for network, internet, and cloud computing

The modern computer environment has moved past the local data center with a single entry and exit point to a global network comprising many data centers and hundreds of entry and exit points. This business and service migration to remote data centers, where computing and storage are rented from a larger company, is referred to as cloud computing. Companies and people have realized great benefits that result from the use of cloud computing systems – not only in terms of productivity, but also in access to high-speed systems for managing very large data sets in ways that would be financially impossible for some small and midsized companies. Larger companies have also realized the benefits of cheap utility cloud computing as these companies migrate critical database ,transactional processing systems, and software packages to a rented space in a data center that can be anywhere in the world. This migration also has …

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