Like it or not, you deal with money every day. Some people deal with it better than others do. The difference is in their money-management skills. You’re not born with these skills; you learn them. And improvement comes with practice. Because you picked up this book, I know that you’re at least Somewhat motivated to start living on a budget so that you can take control of your spending and start saving. Creating a Budget takes a practical look at the many phases of creating a budget. You’ll find information that you can use to pursue better management of your money so that it can go further and lead to investments that provide greater financial security. Your budget is a financial map to help you reach your financial goals, and it’s useless unless you know where you are now and where you want to go. Determine your current financial situation …
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TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
The TCP/IP protocol suite has become a staple of today’s international society and global economy. Continually evolving standards provide a wide and flexible foundation on which an entire infrastructure of applications are built. Through these we can seek entertainment, conduct business, make financial transactions, deliver services, and much, much more. However, because TCP/IP continues to develop and grow in order to meet the changing needs of our communities, it might sometimes be hard to keep track of new functionality or identify new possibilities. For this reason, the TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview provides not only an introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite, but also serves as a reference for advanced users seeking to keep their TCP/IP skills aligned with current standards. It is our hope that both the novice and the expert will find useful information in this publication. The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite has become the industry-standard …
Read More »101 Ways to Promote Your Web Site
There are millions of Web sites, selling millions of products on the Internet every day, and they are all competing for viewers; many of them are competing for the same viewers you are! How do you get the results you’re looking for? When asked if they are marketing on the Internet, many people and organizations say, “Yes, we have a Web site.” However, having a Web site and marketing on the Internet are two very different things. Yes, usually you need a Web site to market on the Internet. However, a Web site is simply a collection of documents, images, and other electronic files that are publicly accessible across the Internet. Your site needs to be designed to meet your online objectives and should be developed with your target market in mind. Internet marketing encompasses all the steps you take to reach your target market online, attract visitors to your …
Read More »Hacking BlackBerry
The BlackBerry is the fastest growing, most popular wireless e-mail device ever sold. Dubbed the “CrackBerry” as a tribute to how obsessively BlackBerry users will check their e-mails, the BlackBerry is best known for its unique and well-executed “push e-mail” functionality. This feature makes it a favourite of mobile professionals who need to be connected while on the go. The BlackBerry is a handheld device whose most notable feature is its wireless electronic messaging capability. With a BlackBerry handheld, millions of people who rely on e-mail communications to stay in touch with customers, clients, co-workers, friends, and family can now access, read, write, and send e-mail messages anytime, anywhere. The BlackBerry is also a general-purpose computing device complete with a processor, memory, storage, and an operating system. Like your desktop computer, your BlackBerry can be outfitted with additional application software programs that provide functionality not found on the basic product. …
Read More »Speed up that old PC
It’s not your imagination. That computer you bought a few years ago really is slower. Programs take longer to open and so do Web pages. Booting your machine takes an eternity. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time for a new computer. You just need to bring it back up to speed. I’ll tell you how to do just that. Links to programs and sites I mention are at Check for malware Spyware, adware and viruses slow your machine. Malware shouldn’t be a problem if you use up-to-date security software. Still, scan your machine for viruses and spyware and remove any problems found. If you need security software, visit my site for free programs. Clean your hard drive A full hard drive slows down your computer. It will take longer to access files. So, clean it up. Windows and programs you install often create temporary and setup files. Use Disk Clean-up to …
Read More »Management your phone’s battery life
Important phone calls, and emails that need replies, there isn’t much time to stop and charge your phone when necessary. If you are aware of a few simple tricks, however, you can prolong the life of your battery so that it has enough juice to get you through your busy day. Adjust the Settings Minor tweaks to your phone’s settings can go a long way in preserving battery life. For example, simply turning down the backlight brightness or setting your screen to time out after a shorter period of time can extend your battery’s charge. Some phones make it easy to save a battery’s charge by including built-in power-saving settings. With these settings turned on, a few features in your phone automatically adjust to maximize power efficiency and keep your battery going longer. Use Fewer & Slower Connections Some wireless technologies, such as Bluetooth and GPS, can suck the life …
Read More »N-Viro International Corporation
Alternative energy can be a boon for third world countries; do you have alternative energy working for you? Are you concerned about the environment and how it is being destroyed? Are you exploring energy alternatives yet, or are you caught up believing that we have enough fossil fuels to sustain our economies forever?, Normally governments have to invest vast sums of money in developing infrastructures for a long period of time in underdeveloped areas. If we consider the example of cell phones, they have bypassed the usual wires, poles, roads, telephone exchange infrastructures. The consumption habits of modern consumer lifestyles are causing a huge worldwide waste problem. Having overfilled local landfill capacities, many first world nations are now exporting their refuse to third world countries. Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such for example fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Alternative energy sources are renewable energy …
Read More »Beginning Android 2
The Android development platform, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, is a platform in its truest sense, encompassing hundreds of classes beyond the traditional Java classes and open source components that ship with the SDK. With Beginning Android 2, you’ll learn how to develop applications for Android 2.x mobile devices, using simple examples that are ready to run with your copy of the SDK. Author, Android columnist, writer, developer, and community advocate Mark L. Murphy will show you what you need to know to get started programming Android applications, including how to craft GUIs, use GPS, and access web services. What you’ll learn Discover Android and how to use it to build Java-based mobile applications for a wide range of phones and other devices.Create user interfaces using both the Android widget framework and the built-in WebKit-powered Web browser components. Utilize the distinctive capabilities of the Android engine, including …
Read More »Across different messaging services
If you and your friend all use different internet messaging system, instant messaging (IM) services are designed for text based conversations that work like phone call, you can see who’s available to chat, delivery is instantaneous and the interface is geared toward dialogue of just how a few words at a time. However, there are lots of IM services available and very few are compatible with each other, some people you know will use windows live messenger, while other will use Google talk, and running multiple IM clients slow down windows, fortunately a utility called pidgin is compatible with a wide range of IM services, include those from Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, AOL and MySpace, just download it from and follow the onscreen instructions. When the first times run the software, you will be invited to add an account, pidgin taps into existing IM account rather than creating new ones, …
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