Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

TransferJet Better Bluetooth

TransferJet wireless technology under development by major camera makers, is intended to make wireless transfer of images between devices easier, now Toshiba is getting behind the wireless standard, having shown off laptop that uses the technology at the consumer electronics show in January, the companies pushing the technology tout transferjet ( as being more than …

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Antisocial Social Networking

A message from one of your friend appear in your inbox, sent via a social network site that you use regularly, the message promise a big laugh and points to a web site you’ve never heard of, you click the link and the next thing you know, your PC or laptop misdirected to a phishing page that steal your log-in details or drive by download site that infect your system with a password stealing Trojan horse, and your friend says that she never sent you the message. Whether the culprit is a fake linkedIn profile page that serves up URLs leading to dangerous web site or bogus twitter message that purportedly comes from a friend, social networks are rapidly becoming the newest medium for malware attacks, as operating system and applications become harder to hack directly, online criminal comes to realize that is was much easier to fool people into …

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Server tips you should not miss

Investing in a server-based network can offer numerous advantages, better data protection, enhanced productivity, and money saved through efficient resource sharing, but purchasing a first server can be a headache. To help make the process easier, here some tips that will help you select and configure your server for optimal performance, security and efficiency. Choosing a server Two of the most important factors to consider when choosing a server are reliability and security. Because servers are often left on 24×7, they are more vulnerable to attacks; many people are dependent on them, so you can’t risk downtime. Another major consideration is the amount of power and capacity you need. Start by evaluating your expected business growth on the basis that a server has an active lifespan of five years. So if you anticipate an increase in the number of employees who will be using your business applications simultaneously, you should …

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What real world working you need from a laptop

Technology vendors often make the mistake of thinking that what you want dumber down technology or couldn’t be more wrong, I’ve tested more than my share of notebook in the past few years, in fact, I’ve had the pleasure or trying out nearly every notebook on the market, I’ve taken them on business trips, into meetings and home for the weekend, what I’ve learned is that I’ve never been happy with dumbed-down notebook, here are the real specs i look for every time. Weight and size I’ve got to able to put a portable in my large purse or extra shoulder bag, less than 5 pound is doable, less than 4 is ideal. Performance For a fast laptop that will last few years, i recommend a 2 GHz CPU or faster (they nearly dual-core) and 4GB RAM. Battery life Long time battery life often comes at the expense of weight, …

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Risk overstated for kid surfers

Children surfing the web are at no greater risk than when they are offline, according to US report, it says internet related sexual exploitation of young people remains a concern, but research showed it usually involves adolescents well aware that they are engaging with an adult with a view to sexual activity. The biggest problem for young people, online or off is bullying and harassment by their own age group, submissions from social report from a technical advisory group, most of the research pre-dates the rise of social network and area that needs further investigation, the research shows that the risk minors face online are complex and multifaceted and are in most case not significantly more than those they face offline and that as they get older minors themselves contribute to some of the problems. Unwanted exposure to pornography does occur online but those most likely to be exposed are …

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You have power to defeat security threats

Security is a top concern for businesses of all sizes, everywhere. Your valuable business data is the lifeblood of your organisation, and protecting it is vital. There may be a host of conflicting messages out there about how to best protect your data. Is not designed to help you resolve every single security problem on a technical level, but rather to help you better understand which are the true threats to your business systems and data. Establishing a security policy Examine the rationale for the immediate and prioritised implementation of solid security mechanisms. You’ll learn how to work with a trusted security business partner to craft your security policies. Identifying and mitigating reconnaissance and access attacks Learn about the unauthorised discovery and mapping of your corporate computer systems, services and components, and how to be constantly aware of the potential for information gathering, which is often the precursor to a …

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The easy ways to speed up your computer

One of the most common complaints heard by IT help desks is: “My computer is running too slowly – what can I do?” There are actually a number of reasons why this could be happening, and luckily, a number of ways to solve the problem. Here are our top five recommendations to help boost your desktop or notebook PC’s speed and performance. Clean up your hard drive A typical hard drive is crammed full of files you really don’t need. The less stuff that’s on your hard drive, the faster your computer will be. The best way to free up space on your PC is with the Windows® Disk Cleanup utility. To access it, go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. You might need to specify which drive you want to clean. In the Disk Cleanup box, scroll through the content …

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Cross Platform Network

Your working in company grows whose need to establish a network to connect the staffer to one another and the internet, at this point, your staffer uses a collection of Macs, Linux and Windows, with graphics specialist favoring OS X, the software developers relying on the tools that come with Linux and everybody else preferring Windows, fortunately three operating system can communicate and coexist on single network, by using suitable off the self equipment and the various operating systems built-in tools, you can connect your heterogeneous hardware to universe in short order. Hooking Up Printer Printer that connect directly to the network via Ethernet constitute one of the most brilliant innovations ever, simply plug a printer in and turn it on and soon you have a device that’s available to every computer on the network, to find and install a network printer in windows, go to control panel, open printer …

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Safeguard Your Data

A discreetly tucked away folder that contains your resume, your tax returns and another important file may be convenient for you, but it’s also a gold mine for online crooks that steal and sell digital data on a thriving black market, even though encrypting data unquestionably helps protect it from thieves, many users in the past believed that using encryption tools wasn’t worth the trouble. In the 2007, thefts laptops, hard drives and computer gear accounted for 57 percent of sensitive data losses report by companies, luckily as data theft has become more common, encryption has gotten easier to use, an array of option to day, both free and paid can keep your information save even if someone walks off with your laptop or break into your PC. Encrypting everything Full disk encryption protects everything on a hard drive even if the drive departs in someone else’s pocket, BitLocker a …

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