Wireless guest access for smaller organizations People today expect Internet and e-mail access everywhere they go. Even if your business is quite small, it’s likely that your customers, vendors or partners could benefit from network access while they are your guests. Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) assume that providing guest network access is complicated and costly and best left to the large enterprises. The benefits of guest access Regardless of the size or profile of your organization, interaction with people outside your business is crucial. So how do we define guest. Well, they can include customers, temporary workers and contractors, trainees, colleagues from a partner business, visiting consultants or faculty, members of joint development teams, conference or seminar participants, representatives of manufacturers or distributors, and vendors or suppliers who want to manage inventory or re-order parts while on-site.
Read More »Tweak your registry to speed up your broadband connection
If your physical infrastructure is in good shape, or you’re using a fast cable broadband service, there’s little else you can do in the way of repairing to improve your broadband connection performance, but ensuring that Windows is set up optimally for good network performance is one way of eking out a bit more speed and reliability, especially on high-speed broadband packages. Consumer cable broadband provider, recommends using a program called TCP Optimizer to improve performance of its 20Mbits/sec service, but the software can also be used by ADLS customers, TCP Optimizer (www.snipurl.com/a3mdy) is a small utility that edits the TCP and IP parameter in the Windows Registry, the most important tweak it makes is to the TCP Receive Window size. The TCP Receive Window defines the amount of data a computer can accept from a server without acknowledging the server, if the website has not receive acknowledgement for a …
Read More »Get paid to be a hacker
Talking about ethical hacking, which is the need of the hour, to protect all online transactions from the wrath of viruses, An ethical hacker is a computer and network expert who attacks a security system on behalf of its owners, seeking vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker could exploit. To test a security system, ethical hackers use the same methods as their less principled counterparts, but report problems instead of taking advantage of them. Ethical hacking is also known as penetration testing, intrusion testing, and red teaming. Ethical Hacking is a scientific approach of understanding the tools, techniques and methodologies used by malicious hackers, thereby evaluating and mitigating the enormous threat posed by them. In other words, it is studying the vulnerability of a computer system and designing a security system, which is non-hack able. The CEH Program certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a …
Read More »Manage Telecommuting Easily and Securely
If you could roll out of bed, commute just 40 feet, work in your robe and fuzzy slippers, and save thousands of dollars on travel expenses, would you do it? And, as a business owner or manager, would you offer the same benefit to your employees?, according to a survey commissioned by the Computing Technology Industry Association, 67 percent of respondents said their organization has seen greater productivity as a result of allowing employees to telecommute, either full or part-time, the main reason for the increase in output less commute time. No doubt telecommuting benefits employees and employers alike, but with the distractions of home beckoning children to drop off, a kitchen to clean, and laundry to wash can a telecommuter be as productive as employees in the office more important, can technology keep your data secure, your teams connected, and your staff accountable? It can, if you plan well.
Read More »Optimising Your Router
If you want to get the most out of your router, for wired and home plug (power line) networks, check the network activity icon in the taskbar to see if a PC is connected at 10, 100 or 1,000Mbits/sec, if it’s stuck at 10Mbits/sec, which happens with older network cards that can’t auto-negotiate these settings correctly, go to the device manager, right click on the network card and select properties, select the Advanced tab and select the link Speed/Duplex Mode property. If 100Mbits/sec/Full Duplex is available at this point, select it to improve performance, this is a potential bottleneck for high-speed broadband packages, if you’re using a Wi-Fi router, inspect how many other wireless networks you can detect from inside your home, for the best detection, use a free utility such as network stumbler (www.netstumbler.com), most 802.11g Wi-Fi router will let you choose between 11 different channels, but there are …
Read More »Staying safe on Facebook
Recent news stories have reported a litany of facebook horror stories from geriatrics, people over age 30 who dented their dignities, if not their careers, through careless social networking, some people think that the post-collegiate crowd is simply too fuddy-duddy for facebook. Others insist that the site is now as essential as email and phone service, if not air and water, and nobody of any age should be discouraged from squandering time on facebook, even Bill Gates is reported to have a half-hour a day facebook habit, a typical facebook humiliation scenario involves having someone post something questionable to your wall, the public facebook page and then having that item inadvertently and automatically blasted to everyone you know via facebook. That group often includes business associates and other people with whom you’ve cultivated an illusion of respectability, because of the internet offers so many paths to public humiliation, it’s not …
Read More »Deal with information overload
We live in a 24×7 culture, where multitasking isn’t just fashionable, it’s considered essential. Astounding numbers of people write text messages or take phone calls while they’re driving, write to-do lists in meetings, or read e-mails while they’re on the phone. The more tasks we juggle, the more we cram into our lives, the more productive we feel. But have we really got it all, or just pieces of everything? Are we juggling too much as we race breathlessly through the day, and are we losing the ability to focus on anything in depth? Has a constant flow of data become something we crave, the symbol of a full life? Drowning in data with messages flying at us from all directions, we’re drowning in data. The average office worker receives over 150 e-mails a day, not to mention numerous calls on different types of telephone, faxes, SMS and instant messages …
Read More »TransferJet Better Bluetooth
TransferJet wireless technology under development by major camera makers, is intended to make wireless transfer of images between devices easier, now Toshiba is getting behind the wireless standard, having shown off laptop that uses the technology at the consumer electronics show in January, the companies pushing the technology tout transferjet (www.transferjet.org) as being more than 100 times faster than Bluetooth and transferring data between devices needs no pass code or pairing (as Bluetooth requires). Place a camera with TransferJet on the Toshiba laptop’s palm rest and it will automatically sync files on the camera with the laptop’s hard drive. The new technology can achieve throughput of 357 mbps, fast enough to support streaming video from camcorder and expects same impact on battery life, but not a significant one, the company plans to embed the technology in laptop and external devices in the fourth quarter of this year. Source : PC …
Read More »Antisocial Social Networking
A message from one of your friend appear in your inbox, sent via a social network site that you use regularly, the message promise a big laugh and points to a web site you’ve never heard of, you click the link and the next thing you know, your PC or laptop misdirected to a phishing page that steal your log-in details or drive by download site that infect your system with a password stealing Trojan horse, and your friend says that she never sent you the message. Whether the culprit is a fake linkedIn profile page that serves up URLs leading to dangerous web site or bogus twitter message that purportedly comes from a friend, social networks are rapidly becoming the newest medium for malware attacks, as operating system and applications become harder to hack directly, online criminal comes to realize that is was much easier to fool people into …
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